Study Agriculture & Forestry – A Comprehensive Subject Guide

Agriculture and forestry are two important sectors that play significant roles in our daily lives, economies, and the environment. They are distinct but closely related fields, both involving the management of natural resources for various purposes. Obtaining a degree in Agriculture or Forestry can open up numerous career opportunities in these fields. Both agriculture and forestry degrees provide you with a strong foundation in the science, management, and sustainable practices related to these sectors. 

Agriculture & Forestry

Table of Contents

What is Agriculture and Forestry?

Agriculture primarily involves the production of food and other agricultural products through the cultivation of crops and the raising of livestock, while forestry focuses on the sustainable management of forests and woodlands for various purposes, including timber production and conservation. Both agriculture and forestry play significant roles in our economies, food systems, and the environment.


  • Agriculture refers to the practice of cultivating crops, plants, and the rearing of animals for the purpose of producing food, fibre, medicinal plants, and other products that are essential for human consumption and industrial use.
  • Key activities in agriculture include crop farming (e.g., growing grains, vegetables, fruits, and oilseeds), livestock farming (e.g., raising cattle, poultry, and other animals for meat and dairy), and aquaculture (cultivating fish and aquatic organisms).
  • Agriculture is essential for food security, income generation, and employment opportunities worldwide. It is a fundamental component of the global economy and is vital for feeding the growing human population.


  • Forestry is the science and practice of managing forests, woodlands, and individual trees for various purposes, including timber production, wildlife habitat preservation, biodiversity conservation, and recreational activities.
  • Forestry activities include timber harvesting (for wood and paper products), conservation efforts (to protect and preserve forests and wildlife), reforestation and afforestation (planting new trees to replace harvested ones or create new forested areas), and sustainable forest management.
  • Forests are vital for environmental balance, carbon sequestration, air and water quality, and providing habitat for countless species. They also contribute to the global economy through the timber and paper industry.

Why Study Agriculture and Forestry?

Studying agriculture and forestry offers numerous benefits and is essential for a variety of reasons:

  • Food Production: Agriculture is the backbone of our food production system. Studying agriculture helps ensure that we have the knowledge and expertise to produce enough food to feed the world’s growing population. It addresses food security issues and helps develop sustainable agricultural practices.
  • Environmental Conservation: Agriculture and forestry are critical for environmental conservation. Sustainable farming and forestry practices can help preserve ecosystems, prevent soil erosion, protect water resources, and maintain biodiversity.
  • Economic Importance: These fields are major contributors to national and global economies. The agriculture and forestry sectors provide jobs, income, and economic stability to many communities. They also contribute to international trade through the export of agricultural products and timber.
  • Resource Management: Studying agriculture and forestry involves learning how to manage natural resources efficiently. This includes sustainable land use, soil conservation, water management, and the responsible use of forests and timber resources.
  • Innovation and Technology: Agriculture and forestry are not stagnant fields. They benefit from ongoing research and technological advancements, which can lead to improved crop yields, better forest management, and more efficient and sustainable practices.

Best Universities for Agriculture and Forestry in the UK

Here is a list of the top UK universities in this field according to the Complete University Guide 2024:

RankUniversity Name
1Royal Veterinary College, University of London
2Queen's University Belfast
3Newcastle University
4Bangor University
5University of Lincoln
6University of Nottingham
7Harper Adams University
8Aberystwyth University
9University of Plymouth
10University of Reading
11Royal Agricultural University
12Nottingham Trent University
13Hartpury University
14Writtle University College
15Liverpool John Moores University
16University of Chester
17University of Cumbria
18Anglia Ruskin University
19Teesside University, Middlesbrough

Entry Requirements for an Agriculture and Forestry Degree

In the UK, entry requirements for an Agriculture and Forestry degree programme can vary depending on the university and the specific programme you are interested in. Generally, here are the typical entry requirements for undergraduate and postgraduate degrees in Agriculture and Forestry:

  • Academic Qualifications:
    • For UK students, you will typically need A-levels or equivalent qualifications. Specific subject requirements may vary, but biology, chemistry, mathematics, or related subjects are often preferred.
    • For international students, equivalent qualifications such as the International Baccalaureate (IB) or the European Baccalaureate are typically accepted.
    • Entry requirements can vary from university to university, so it’s essential to check the specific requirements of the institution you’re interested in.
  • English Language Proficiency: If English is not your first language, you will likely need to provide proof of English language proficiency through tests like IELTS or TOEFL. Each university may have its own minimum score requirements.

Jobs for Agriculture and Forestry Graduates

Here are the career prospects for graduates in this field:

  • Agricultural Manager/Farm Manager: Agricultural managers oversee the day-to-day operations of farms, including crop production, livestock management, and equipment maintenance.
  • Crop Consultant/Agronomist: Agronomists provide expertise in crop production, soil management, and pest control to help farmers optimise yields and sustainability.
  • Livestock Manager: Livestock managers are responsible for the care and management of animals on farms, including cattle, poultry, swine, and sheep.
  • Conservation Scientist/Forestry Technician: Conservation scientists and technicians work to preserve forest ecosystems, protect wildlife habitats, and manage natural resources responsibly.
  • Forest Consultant: Forest consultants provide expertise to landowners, governments, and organisations on forest management, timber harvesting, and conservation practices.

What do Agriculture and Forestry Graduates do?

In the UK, a significant portion, accounting for 31%, was actively involved in various sectors. Specifically, 12% were employed in fundamental agricultural occupations, highlighting the essential roles that form the backbone of agricultural activities. Another 8% were dedicated to agricultural and related trades, contributing to the diverse facets of the agricultural industry. Additionally, 10% held managerial and proprietorial positions within services directly tied to agriculture.

Beyond the agricultural sphere, a notable 7% were engaged in professions associated with the built environment. This category included individuals working as architects, chartered architectural technologists, planning officers, surveyors, and construction professionals. Their roles contribute to the planning, design, and execution of construction projects, playing a crucial part in shaping the physical landscape of the country.

This breakdown underscores the multifaceted nature of the workforce, encompassing both essential agricultural roles and those integral to the development and structure of the built environment in the UK.

Salary for Agriculture and Forestry Graduates

Check out the average salary for graduates in this field: 

Low skilled: £19,000

Medium-skilled: £20,000

High-skilled: £24,500


Topics for Agriculture and Forestry Dissertation

Below, we present a diverse array of research areas, each offering an opportunity to delve into the complexities of Agriculture and Forestry and make a significant contribution to its advancement:

    1. Crop Yield Improvement Strategies: Investigate innovative approaches to enhancing crop yields, such as precision agriculture, genetic engineering, or sustainable farming practices.
    2. Soil Health and Nutrient Management: Explore methods for improving soil health, nutrient management, and soil conservation to support sustainable agriculture.
    3. Climate Change Adaptation in Agriculture: Examine strategies and technologies for mitigating the impacts of climate change on agricultural systems.
    4. Forest Carbon Sequestration: Investigate the capacity of forests to sequester carbon and contribute to climate change mitigation.
    5. Forest Management and Timber Production: Analyse sustainable timber harvesting practices, certification systems, and their economic and ecological impacts.

How Much Does it Cost to Study in the UK

One of the most important things to consider is how much the degree is going to cost. Here is a general guide for 2023/2024:

  • For home students in England, universities can charge up to a maximum of £9,250 per year for an undergraduate degree.
  • In Wales, institutions can charge up to £9,000 for home students. However, Welsh students can apply for a fee grant to cover some of the cost of their tuition fees. This grant is currently not repayable or income-assessed.
  • Northern Irish universities will charge up to £4,275 for home students and may charge up to £9,250 for students from elsewhere in the UK.
  • Scotland does not charge home students fees at the undergraduate level; however, students from England, Wales, or Northern Ireland are expected to pay up to £9,250 per year. International students from outside of the UK will pay significantly more to study in Scotland.
  • International students can expect to pay between £10,000 and £26,000 annually for lecture-based undergraduate degrees at universities across the UK. An undergraduate medical degree can cost overseas students up to £58,600 per year. As for postgraduate degrees, the average cost is estimated to be around £17,109 per year.
Besides the tuition fees, there are also several other cost considerations such as food, accommodation, phone bills, books, social life, memberships, and others. Remember to check out our free student budget calculator

Other Subjects to Consider

Given that you are interested in this subject area, you might also want to consider the following options: 

  • Environmental Science: Environmental science covers a wide range of topics related to the environment, including climate change, conservation, pollution control, and sustainability.
  • Biology: Biology is the study of living organisms and their interactions with each other and their environment. It offers numerous specialisations, such as genetics, ecology, microbiology, and marine biology.
  • Geology: Geology focuses on the Earth’s structure, processes, and history. Geologists study rocks, minerals, earthquakes, volcanoes, and natural resources.
  • Engineering: Engineering offers a wide range of disciplines, including civil engineering, electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, and environmental engineering, each with its applications and career opportunities.
  • Computer Science: Computer science is the study of computers and computational systems. It encompasses programming, software development, artificial intelligence, and data science.

Frequently Asked Questions

Consider your interests, passions, and career goals. Research various degree programmes and their content to see which aligns best with your aspirations.

While earning potential is important, it’s also crucial to select a degree that you’re passionate about and suits your skills. A balance between your interests and potential career prospects is ideal.

Location can impact your overall university experience. Consider factors like cost of living, proximity to industry hubs, and personal preferences.

Evaluate tuition fees, available scholarships, and potential for part-time work. Create a budget to ensure you can manage your finances during your studies.

Consider combining your passions with practical skills. For example, if you love art but want job security, explore fields like graphic design or digital marketing.

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